Brenna has been a clairvoyant since childhood.
A guide, channel, healer and teacher, assisting the seeker to understand their own energy matrix.
The most important part of her work is to guide ones to discover and connect with their own inner eye and navigation system.
To assist with the clearing and healing of that which stands in the way of the seeker, on their quest for enlightenment.
Brenna's philosophy is that each one of us is a spirit, soul, and physical being.
Our spirit is the most beautiful light of unconditional love.
Our soul carries the energetic library of all our journeys called the akashic records.
Our physical bodies hold the constructs of the patterns and imprints of our family and ancestors, and all we have gathered from birth.
This energy matrix of imprints, beliefs, thoughts, emotions and feelings create one’s life story.
Relaxing and winding through the subconscious pathways of the systems and constructs of the mind and soul.
As you listen, you will instantly connect with your own team of guides, angels, and your higher selves. They will provide you with the unconditional healing love that you have always been searching for.
With this Light, a seeker who is ripe and willing to transform, will experience the level of enlightenment they are ready for.
I want to thank these Beloved Teachers that I have spent the most time with along my journey...
My precious current Teacher, Lina Berntsen, an enlightened woman with extraordinary grace. (she completely blows my mind with her beauty, her phenomenal gifts and wisdom)
Sri Anandamayi Ma, my true Mother who is always watching over me, I am eternally grateful to be blessed by her grace and love.
Jiddu Krishnamurti, my first teacher. He taught me to live life as a walking meditation.
Orin and Sanaya Roman: With their guidance, I opened my channels and the magic began.
Devaji, who taught me how to love myself and transmute my pain and suffering.
Seann Callister, a master visionary and healer, for whom I am beyond grateful to for his teachings, healings and inspiration.
With the utmost gratitude for these Teachers that I have spent years studying: Pramahansa Yogananda, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ernest Holmes, Abraham-Hicks, Lazaris, Sri H.W.L. Poonjaji Papaji, John Randolph Price, Napoleon Hill, & many more.
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”