How To Manifest Success: A Guide Map For Your Life
Question: How Do I Manifest A Successful Business?
Note to the reader, you can tailor these responses to your own life. This guidance is not only specific to Jem… is for you too.
JEM – PORTLAND, OREGON *pen names for privacy
Jem: When will I really get my freelance design business going again? I see so many moms of young children working, and I feel like I should be able to do it too, but the pull of full-time-mom is so strong, so all-encompassing, (and so exhausting) I don’t know if there’s really time for anything else yet. I feel like it’s on the horizon but get overwhelmed with mom-duties and whatnot.
B and Guides: Jem, we are pleased to connect with you in this forum,
When there are unfulfilled and unfinished desires, goals, dreams, projects, in a human’s aura it can cause a mental, emotional traffic jam. These thought-forms tend to clog the flow of prana into our chakra vortexes, and create energetic discord.
Together let us guide you a higher perspective, into clarity, so you may see clearly how to proceed with your life desires.
Together let us look honestly at your life, at what truly IS. You said, “but the pull of full-time-mom is so strong, so all-encompassing, (and so exhausting) I don’t know if there’s really time for anything else yet”
We see that these are your true feelings and beliefs about your life right now.
You also stated in regards to a new project, that you…“feel like it’s on the horizon but get overwhelmed with mom-duties and whatnot”.
We suggest that you may want to make a guide map for your life. Establish the goal; the reality you want to create. Realistically plan for when you will begin the project and when it will come to fruition. Then plan the celebration of your manifestation.
For example, right now for these few months you will do_____(you fill in the blanks). Then in 6 months you will do____(you may make a plan to take one design job a week) and so on.
How do you clear the thought-forms of the unfinished projects and goals? One technique would be for you move to a higher consciousness so you aren’t going to be in dialog with the old thought-forms anymore.
We suggest meditation for at least ten minutes a few times a day. Sit in a comfortable position and just observe your busy thoughts. You can say, I see you busy mind and I love how you are trying so hard. I love you and I send beautiful light into you now, or have your guides send the light into the busy active mind.
You do not need to do anything else; just watch, allow, rest and let it all be done for you. It does not matter if your mind is still busy after you meditate. Give it about a week and you will notice that you are moving into a higher consciousness. The brain will still be busy at times, but you will begin existing in your higher mind as the watcher.
We look forward to you returning to this forum to share your results or any other questions with us.
In Love and Honor for You, Your Guides and B
Jem: YESS YES YES I LOVE THIS! Wonderful. Totally. Also: I feel like my higher self already knew this but I needed you & the guides to really spell it out in black and white. Onward!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU.
*A thought-form is a structured interdimensional energy form intentionally created by you to carry out a specific task for which it has been programmed.
Brenna recommends the audio meditation journeys and videos listed on this page for guidance and support.