How To Change Poor Eating Habits
Question: How To Change Poor Eating Habits?
Note to the reader, you can tailor these responses to your own life. This guidance is not only specific to is for you too.
SAPPHIRE – PORTLAND, OREGON *pen names for privacy
Brenna and my guides,
I know I eat when I’m in a “negative” space: soothe myself when anxious, add a layer of protection, and also to distract.
But I also eat when I’m excited and feeling good. It feels in the same vibration as the negative eating. Kind of calming? What’s up with that?
BRENNA AND GUIDES: Sapphire, We are pleased to connect with you in this forum,
We see into your situation; the desire to eat when one is not hungry; due to feeling good and excited, is a habit born of tradition. Most of this imprinting and programing stems from the time of childhood, a teaching from your Mother. This was the way to celebrate feeling good and other joyful events in your life.
If it feels like something you would like to change in yourself, you could substitute other ways to celebrate. To change a habit, it takes desire, repetition, focus, encouragement and time.
Just like when a baby is weaning off mother’s milk. Mother teaches to substitute a pacifier, or maybe the baby begins to suck their thumb. Soon, nursing is a thing of the past. On and on, as humans grow, they learn to reprogram and repattern their movements all through their life.
You may decide to offer yourself a new alternative pattern. Within a short amount of time your new habit will be established and comfortable to you.
As a note to the readers: We would like to mention there are other reasons some individuals would be drawn to habitually eat when excited or feeling good. Some people may feel the need to comfort themselves with food due to lack of self-worth, guilt, and because they feel that they do not deserve to be happy and feeling good.
You may visit Brenna’s Body Magic page for more information.
We welcome any other questions you would be curious about.
With great Love and respect, Your Guides and B
Brenna recommends the audio meditation journeys and videos listed on this page for guidance and support.